Media Release: Ploughshare Activist Faces Court And Says Farewell

Peacebus Media Release 3 September 2013

Ploughshare activist faces court and says farewell

Graeme Dunstan will face further charges associated with his role in Bryan Law’s mattock attack on a Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter during Talisman Sabre 2011.

9 am Thursday 5 september
in the Rockhampton Magistrates Court

Mr Dunstan is charged with wilful damage (cutting of a chain), possession of tainted property (his camera) and unauthorised entry onto airport land (his feet).

Found guilty on a charge of wilful damage to the helicopter in the District Court on 22 August, Mr Dunstan was sentenced by Judge Nicolas Samios to a 2 year suspended prison sentence and a three year good behaviour bond with a self recognisance of $2000.

He was also required to make reparation for the $162,831.63 worth of damage done to the $45 m chopper.

Tomorrow he will be represented pro bono by solicitor David Mills and will be pleading guilty to all charges.

Mr Dunstan, a 71 year old age pensioner, expects more fines and that these will be deducted at $20 a fortnight from his pension.

“The government giveth and the government taketh away,” he commented.

Nomad Dunstan expects this court appearance ought wrap up the Tiger Ploughshare matters and his activist season in Rockhampton.

He intends to take his Peacebus south to support a blockade of the Swan Island SAS base at Queenscliff Victoria 22- 26 September.

“We peace activists are determined to bring ALL the troops home from Afghanistan,” he said. “No more US wars.”

Further information
Graeme Dunstan 0407 951 688

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